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Consultanta In-Cloud

Un concept nou
Avocat Cristian Ion Popescu > Consultanta In-Cloud

Cheia dreptatii tale este la noi!

Ocupat, grabit, suprasolicitat, dornic sa rezolvati totul online?

Asa cum v-am obisnuit in anul 2017/2018 si in anul 2019, Cabinetul de Avocatura ’’Ion Cristian Popescu’’, continua pentru dumneavoastra cu consultanta ‘in-cloud’, o forma inovativa, moderna si practica, creata special pentru oamenii secolului XXI: ocupati, grabiti, suprasolicitati, dornici sa rezolve totul online.

This form of consultancy is open to all customers from inside the country and abroad, Romanians and other nationalities who have litigations in Romania and that, in order to find the best lawyer in Romania, to defend their interests should not go to the law office headquarters. This form of consultancy involves supporting meetings into the virtual environment, providing translations for all nationalities. Just notify us in advance using our contact form (you will find it on right of this webpage) , to schedule an appointment.Trust and professionalism are the hallmarks of the Law Office ‘’Ion Cristian Popescu’’. We help you to short the long road to truth and justice!

We are waiting for you!

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